Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Renaissance Man

Similar to the eras that came before the Medieval period storytelling continued to play a vital role in Medieval society. Castiglione considered an individual who possessed the ability to tell an amusing or engaging story as one who was well rounded. Castiglione coined the phrase Renaissance Man, which was one who possessed astounding social capabilities such as storytelling and conversation.
By this point in time many people were able to read, although the words fell flat on the page. Hence the need for the storyteller remained necessary within Medieval society, telling a story would breath life into it, create personalities for characters or force settings to intrude one's own reality for a short time, that is if the storyteller performed the job well. To tell or perform a good story or to carry on decent conversation was considered by to be the highest form of civility.
It was believed that one could be an excellent writer but a a terrible storyteller. Members of the medieval society felt that if an individual was unable to enact in decent conversation then you were not intelligent. Thus the reason for conversation as the highest form of civility. The Renaissance Man possessed all these qualities, he was well versed in current affairs, amusing, and quick on his feet. It is a phrase we continue to utilize today when we consider an individual to be well rounded.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

History of Performance Studies Post 1

The Rhapsodes performed by means of narratoring or storytelling in the presence of an audience. Most often this occurred in proscenium style. Rhapsodes could sing as well as speak their text, the style they opted to deliver their text had the capability to alter the audience perception of the text as well as alter the delivery of the narration itself. In their article Hargis and Bahn discuss the verbal style of the Rhapsodes in order for readers to clearly understand the Rhapsode as a new form of storyteller and they deviations they made from storytellers who preceded them.
The Rhapsodes functioned within Greek society in order to reify the state as well as to educate or entertain those of status within the state. Within Roman society oral interpretation operated to entertain at gatherings. Written form was beginning to emerge within Roman society and became a dominant form of collecting information. Although, the oral style remained an intricate part of Roman society. As the oral style progressed so did language. The church often had a difficulty connecting with Anglo-Saxon individuals. Largely, this is due to to the church speaking Latin and the common person speaking the vernacular style. Thus, a linguistic connection for spreading Christianity could not be met. The church was also heavily invested in literacy while many individuals where not thus making the act of spreading Christianity all the more difficult. Literacy was a must in order for the church to endure.
It is arguable that we are in an age of renewed literacy or illiteracy depending or how you look at it. One could argue that the new bards are comedians such as Richard Prior. By means of utilizing new forms or variations of a known language and telling stories comedians appear to operate as the bard.